Your Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Best Dermatologist in Houston

Sunburn, the result of excessive sun exposure, can be painful and damaging to the skin. It is essential to take immediate and effective steps to treat sunburn and prevent its long-term effects such as skin aging and skin cancer.

Immediate Dermatology Treatment in Houston

  • Cool The Skin: Begin by cooling your skin with cold showers or baths. Using a cold compress on affected areas is also beneficial.
  • Moisturize: While the skin is still damp, apply a moisturizer that contains aloe vera or soy to lock in hydration.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water and fluids as sunburn tends to cause dehydration.

Exploring Services Offered by Houston Dermatologists

Over-the-counter products such as hydrocortisone creams can help reduce inflammation and pain. Non-prescription pain relievers, like ibuprofen, can also help with discomfort.

Find a Skin Doctor in Houston

Home remedies like applying cold milk compresses or using green tea extracts can soothe sunburned skin. However, these should not replace professional medical advice.

When to Seek Help from Houston Dermatology Associates

If you experience severe sunburn symptoms like blistering over a large portion of your body, high fever, extreme pain, or signs of heat stroke (such as disorientation), seek immediate medical attention.

Finding a Dermatologist Near Me for Long-Term Care After Sunburn

Taking care of your skin post-sunburn is crucial to prevent further damage:

  • Moisturize Regularly: Continue applying moisturizer in the days following the sunburn to reduce peeling and maintain the health of your skin.
  • Protect Your Skin: Wear protective clothing if you have to go out in the sun again. Use an SPF 30 sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB radiation.

Sunburn treatment should begin immediately upon noticing symptoms; early treatment can significantly reduce discomfort and potential damage. Remember, the best strategy against sunburn is prevention. Always wear sunscreen, avoid direct sunlight during peak hours, and wear protective clothing to minimize skin exposure. Regular skin checks are also essential for detecting any signs of skin cancer early and seeking timely treatment.

This comprehensive guide provides effective strategies for treating sunburns but should not substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a dermatologist if your symptoms persist or worsen.


Summer is the most awaited season for many, where sunny beaches, barbecues, and outdoor activities become the norm. As people enjoy soaking up the sunshine, they often aim to achieve that enviable summer glow. However, there’s a hidden danger lurking beneath that tanned skin, which many people are unaware of. From a dermatological perspective, excessive sun exposure can lead to an array of damaging effects on the skin.

Sunburn is one of the most direct and immediate effects of excessive sun exposure. While it might seem like just a temporary irritation, it can cause long-term damage to the skin. Sunburn is actually a response from your body indicating that your skin cells have been damaged by too much UV radiation. Over time, this damage can lead to premature aging or even more serious conditions like skin cancer.

UV radiation from the sun doesn’t affect only those who get sunburns. Even if you never burn and always tan, that doesn’t guarantee you’re safe from harm. A tan is still an indication of skin damage. In fact, a tan is your body’s attempt to prevent further damage from occurring by darkening your skin.

Here are some significant dangers linked with excessive sun exposure:

  • Premature Aging: Excessive sun exposure speeds up aging process causing wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin.
  • Skin Cancer: Chronic sun exposure increases risk of developing various forms of skin cancer including melanoma.
  • Eye Damage: Prolonged UV radiation can lead to cataracts or macular degeneration.
  • Weakened Immune System: Overexposure to sunlight may reduce effectiveness of immune system and impair body’s ability to fight off illness including skin cancer.

Indeed, achieving a summer glow isn’t worth risking these health hazards. So while you bask in the glory of summer fun, remember to protect your skin. Use an SPF 30 sunscreen and reapply it every two hours, or after swimming or perspiring heavily. Seek shade during sun peak times, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun’s rays are the most intense. Wear protective clothing like wide-brimmed hats, long-sleeved shirts and sunglasses.

From a dermatological perspective, the best glow you can aim for is one that comes from having healthy and protected skin. Remember that even the slightest tan indicates some level of skin damage. Therefore, forgoing the temporary allure of a summer glow in favor of long-term skin health is always a wise decision.

Finding the Best Cosmetic Dermatologist in Houston for Your Skin Care Needs

Sunburns are a common but potentially dangerous skin condition that can happen due to excessive sun exposure. Here are some immediate steps that dermatologists recommend taking as soon as you notice a sunburn.

Step 1: Getting Out of the Sun

The first step in addressing a sunburn is to remove yourself from the damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays that caused the burn in the first place. This could mean moving indoors, finding shade, or simply covering up your skin with appropriate clothing or hats.

Step 2: Cooling Down Your Skin

Once you’ve ensured further UV exposure is prevented, it’s time to cool down your skin. This can be achieved by:

  • Taking a cool (not cold) shower or bath
  • Applying a damp, cold cloth to the affected area
  • Using an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream if the sunburn is severe and causing discomfort.

Remember not to use ice directly on your skin as it may cause frostbite and further damage.

Step 3: Moisturizing Your Skin

After cooling your skin, apply a moisturizer that can help restore hydration. Look for creams or lotions containing soothing ingredients like aloe vera or soy. Avoid petroleum-based products and those containing benzocaine or lidocaine which can trap heat and cause allergic reactions respectively.

Step 4: Staying Hydrated

Sunburns draw fluid away from the rest of your body towards your skin surface; this could result in dehydration. Make sure to drink plenty of water after getting sunburned.

Step 5: Protecting Your Skin

Once a sunburn occurs, it’s crucial to protect your skin from further damage. If you need to go back out into the sun, wear UV protective clothing and apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

Step 6: Over-the-Counter Medication

Non-prescription pain relievers such as ibuprofen or aspirin can help reduce the pain and inflammation from a sunburn. However, it’s always advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new medication.

Step 7: Check for Severe Symptoms

While most sunburns can be managed at home, severe sunburns may require medical attention. If you experience symptoms such as high fever, chills, severe blisters, or confusion, seek immediate medical help.

To prevent future sunburns, make sure to protect your skin when going outdoors, especially during peak sunlight hours. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30 and reapply every two hours and immediately after swimming or sweating. Adopting these preventative strategies can go a long way in ensuring your skin’s health and reducing the risk of skin cancer over time.


Proper skin moisturization plays a significant role in maintaining overall dermatological health. It serves as one of the critical elements in our daily skincare routine. However, often, the importance of moisturizing our skin tends to be undermined compared to other skincare practices.

The Importance of Houston Skin Care

Moisturizers aid in trapping and sealing water in the top layer of our skin (stratum corneum), which helps rehydrate and replenish the skin cells. This action prevents dryness, flakiness, itching, and irritation that occur due to dehydration of the skin. They also form a protective barrier on the skin’s surface against environmental factors such as pollution, dirt, wind, and cold weather.

There are primarily three types of moisturizers:

  • Humectants: These attract water from deeper layers of the skin or the environment and bring it to the surface layer.
  • Emollients: These fill in gaps between skin cells that are missing moisture.
  • Occlusives: These create a barrier on your skin’s surface to prevent water from evaporating.

Benefits of Regular Skin Moisturization

Regular and correct application of a suitable moisturizer confers several benefits:

  • Prevents dryness: By providing necessary hydration, moisturizers prevent dryness that can lead to various issues such as cracking or peeling.
  • Reduces signs of aging: Hydrated skin looks plumper which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Protects sensitive skin: It ensures an added barrier for sensitive skin types protecting them from irritants.
  • Improves complexion: Regularly moisturized skin has a healthier and more vibrant complexion.

Skin Moisturization – A key component for Sunburn Treatment

Moisturizing is also crucial when dealing specifically with sunburnt skin. The sun’s harmful UV rays can cause severe damage to the skin, leading to burns that dehydrate the skin and make it dry and peely. Here’s how moisturizing aids in sunburn recovery:

  • Rehydration: Sunburn can cause severe dehydration of the skin. A gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer provides the necessary hydration and soothes the burnt skin.
  • Repair: The damaged top layer of skin due to sunburn needs assistance to recover. Ingredients like ceramides in moisturizers help repair and restore your skin’s natural barrier.
  • Relief: Sunburn often causes painful inflammation. A moisturizer with anti-inflammatory properties such as aloe vera can provide relief.

It’s essential to remember, however, that not all types of moisturizers are suitable for use on sunburnt or generally sensitive skin. Always opt for a dermatologically approved, hypoallergenic, and fragrance-free option when dealing with such issues.

In light of these points, it becomes clear that proper skin moisturization holds paramount importance in maintaining dermatological health. Whether it is combating everyday dryness or helping soothe burnt skin after prolonged sun exposure, an appropriate moisturizing routine is indispensable for healthy skin.


Sunburn is a common skin ailment, particularly in the summer months when people spend more time outdoors. However, despite its prevalence, many individuals fail to understand the intricacies of the skin’s healing process post-sunburn, and unwittingly subject their skin to further damage by not allowing it adequate time to recover. This article aims to shed light on this matter.

The Skin’s Reaction to Sunburn

Sunburn is essentially a type of skin injury caused by overexposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. When your skin gets burned, the body immediately launches a repair response. This involves increasing blood flow to the affected area and dispatching immune cells to repair damaged tissues.

Stages of Sunburn Recovery

The healing process following a sunburn typically occurs in stages:

  1. Redness and Pain: The initial stage of sunburn often involves redness, heat, and discomfort or pain in the affected area.
  2. Peeling: After a few days, peeling may occur as your body attempts to shed damaged cells.
  3. Healing: New skin forms beneath the peeled layer. At this stage, it is crucial not to expose your new skin prematurely as it’s still sensitive.

Depending on the severity of your sunburn, this process might take anywhere from several days for mild burns up to two weeks or more for severe burns.

How To Aid Skin Recovery from Sunburn

While your body has inherent mechanisms designed for healing sunburns, you can aid this process by taking certain measures:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water as burns can dehydrate you.
  • Soothe Your Skin: Apply cool compresses or take cool showers.
  • Use Aloe Vera or Moisturizer: Applying products with Aloe Vera or a good moisturizer can help soothe your skin and reduce inflammation.
  • Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect your skin from further sun exposure by wearing protective clothing or using an umbrella.
  • Take Over the Counter Medication: Non-prescription pain relievers can help reduce pain and inflammation.

It’s important to note that if you experience severe sunburn symptoms such as blistering, fever, severe pain, or confusion, you should seek immediate medical attention. These could be signs of sun poisoning which requires professional medical treatment.

The Long-term Impact of Sunburn

Repeated episodes of sunburn can lead to long-term skin damage including premature aging (photoaging), changes in skin texture, and an increased risk of skin cancers like melanoma. Therefore, it’s essential not only to understand the healing process but also take preventative measures against sunburns for healthy skin in the long run.

Understanding the healing process from sunburn is crucial for optimal recovery and maintaining long-term skin health. By providing your skin with adequate time to heal post-sunburn and taking proactive steps to aid recovery, you can minimize damage and promote healthier skin.